Thursday, September 24, 2015

Epiphany for you, epiphany for you, epiphanies for everyone!

Laying around sick has a few advantages. Literally, only three (that I can think of at this exact moment in time).

1) Time to watch an entire season of America's Next Top Model (cycle 22). Side note: Currently considering applying for the next cycle... Lawwwd have mercy if that ever comes to fruition.

2) Time to write blogs about whatever I want.

3) Time to have thoughts. (Trying to have good ones.)

So I was working on my personal statement for graduate school, and reflecting on my time as an undergraduate student, and I got to thinking about study abroad, and how it changed my life. I wondered how I could enjoy being in a new country so much, but be so frustrated by being so lost in Nashville, and it dawned on me:

I was most comfortable with being lost when I was being lost on purpose.

Ty didn't understand it immediately, so I gave him this comparison: It's like when you're trying to take a selfie, and you can't take a really pretty one, so you just take an ugly duckling face selfie instead, and love it, because at least you're being ugly on purpose.

Ty's not a girl or conceited, so he didn't get my analogy either.

This epiphany isn't really life changing, it's more like life acknowledging, and it truly resonated with me. I'm not completely sure what that means, but I'm going to think on it and keep you posted.

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