Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Knoblock Party

There are so many things in life that are hard to believe: how bees can fly, why earthquakes happen, and how it's already been six months since Ty and I moved to Nashville. That's right. (1) August (2) September (3) October (4) November (5) December (6) January.

Six months ago I was struggling to decide whether or not to spend upwards of $100,000 to pursue an advanced degree in nursing. Now, I'm sitting in a small office with five other graduate students, taking classes for a masters in Ag Communications and wishing more than anything that I was in Denver.

Over the last few days, I've traveled from Denver, to Sharon Springs, to Manhattan, to the ultimate destination of Stillwater, Oklahoma. Classes were set to start on January 11th, and with Tucker still in the hospital, my moving date was pushed back to January 10th. Dad left Denver with me so we could take Ty's car to the body shop in Sharon Springs. (Had a wreck the day after Christmas at 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm okay, but the car isn't!)

From there, we went to my grandma's house so I could get some of her furniture to use in my new home. My godfather, Derek, agreed to help us, and that night, we drove two vehicles (my grandma's borrowed explorer, and Dad's mechanically challenged pickup with a uhaul trailer in tow) another five hours to Manhattan, Kansas to begin the arduous task of cleaning out the apartment that my mom and Tucker shared. Somewhere between moving furniture and packing up their home, we decided we were as ready as we could ever be and left for Stillwater.

At five o'clock Sunday night, I met with my landlord's agent and stepped my new home for the first time.

It's an apartment in a house that had been split into two apartments. My half of the house is a split level
with two bedrooms upstairs
(excuse the mess)

and a living room,

 kitchen, dining room,

 and (drumroll please) a WASHER AND DRYER downstairs.

It's an old house in Oklahoma, so obviously there are some cracks and stains and whatnot, but there's new carpet and tile, and overall I think it's a very nice place to be able to call my own. Also, the extra closet space helps.
(one of FOUR closets in the house!)

:) My only complaint is that I've already made myself sore walking up and down the stairs, so I guess that's good for me.

Dad, Derek, David (Ty's Dad), and Kim (David's girlfriend), helped move everything into the home and do the initial clean with me. By the end of the night, we were all thoroughly wiped out. I went to bed around 11:30 and woke up at 8:30, so apparently I was nine hours tired.

David and Kim left Sunday night, but Dad and Derek stayed until the next morning--just long enough to hook up the washer and dryer for me, get a quick hug, and say goodbye. After that, I've been on my own--excluding Papi--trying to figure out this town and get my apartment set up.

Two days later it's still an absolute mess, but there are improvements being made. I've gotten internet set up, almost all of my laundry is washed, the bathroom is basically set up, and I've put some of the hangers in a closet. I'm hoping over time I can make it to where it's only a sort-of mess.
Me pre-shower, adding to the mess. haha

Of course Papi is making himself comfortable, so I'd say that the house is "Papi-approved."

 Papi and I are eagerly awaiting the day when Ty can join us, and we can make fun of him for living on Knoblock Street and have a Knoblock party.

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