Sunday, October 4, 2015

Winner Trumps All

Remember pep rallies from high school or junior high? Everyone would pack into the gym, a few people in skirts would hop up and down, and everyone would yell. The girls would shout: "Jump! Shake your booty! Jump jump! Shake your booty!" And everyone would shake their booties. (Wow, I'm realizing this was great preparation for going to a strip club... problems with how we raise males in society?... We'll save that conversation for another day.) Moving on.

Well, I'm pretty sure we're all glad that we can leave some things from high school in the past. But, Ty and I recently experienced a "throwback". Except, this throwback somehow launched us into--what I consider to be--adulthood. Yes, we attended a political pep rally for presidential hopeful, Donald Trump. I'm going to throw this out here: I'm not a huge Trump fan. I don't think he could ever win the presidential race against Hillary or any other democrat. He makes some great points, but mostly he's a sideshow. What I do like is his suggested tax plan. Small excerpt of the tax plan? No one pays taxes if they make less than 25,000 a year as an individual or less than 50,000 as a couple. After that, you enter brackets starting at 10% taxation and going up. I'm of the personal mind that everyone should pay 10% and be done with it, but that's not really a popular idea. Anyway, I'm hoping whoever wins the candidacy will at least consider implementing his tax plan.

Unfortunately, being involved in politics has become a huge game of "What can the government do for me?" If you disagree, riddle me this: Why has Bernie Sanders gained so much support? His biggest ideas are free college and higher wages. Sometimes what's best for everyone involves a little sacrifice and a lot of hard work. That's why I'm supporting the Republican candidates, Fiorina, Carson, and then Trump in that order. So we showed our support to the Republican party, and yes, Trump, by standing in a line of over 4,000 people, in the cold weather, in the rain, in Franklin, Tennessee. On the bright side, there was a band playing music, so at least we had something to listen to while we tried to stay warm.

Also unfortunately, there were too many people there to fit into the building where he was speaking. So some those of us who hadn't gotten there two hours early (Ty and me) had to listen to him over speakers. We did get to see him through a window.

Here's the shot from that.
Ty and I found a quiet spot out of the rain to sit and listen to him over the speakers. This was our view. How oxymoronic that we had such a serene view to hear about politics.

I was hoping to hear Trump state what he believes, tell us his ideas on policy, etc. And he did some of that, but mostly, it just took me back to high school, when people would stand crowded around, and clap and cheer. Part of me was afraid, too. People have such strong opinions about politics, that I was worried a riot might break out, or that people might get violent. My faith in humanity was restored when people handled themselves respectfully and peacefully.

Here's my hopes that in the months to come, our nation can peacefully select a president that will lead us with integrity, and guide us along the path to becoming a better nation.

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