Saturday, August 30, 2014

Keepin' it real with your family

By: Ty Stelting

Today, my wife and I, after a night full of driving with her brother to mis abuelos paternos, (or paternal grandparents) in Weatherford, Oklahoma, we got up and had strawberries and whipped cream on top of waffles. It was a great meal with some VIPs
It may not sound important but we drove 6 hours to come visit two people. Now that sounds crazy but it's important. Visiting family is great and should always be a part of every family's (and person's) life. My family was not a visiting type of family so neither was I. We went and visited maybe once a year at the most. It was always around Christmas and it was one day of presents and presence.
However, this was horrible because we always looked different, had familiarize ourselves with each other and had limited time to do things. Then we immediately left each other for a year again. This all changed once I got married to Kelsie.
Kelsie always reminds me of the importance of seeing family. Her family gets together at least three times a year, if not more. Family members are what keeps us happy and together. It creates opportunities to learn more stories on family, where you come from, and moments of greatness from your childhood. You laugh, fight, makeup, and then laugh again. It is what makes great conversations with your friends and kids. My Mom told me many stories about her brothers and how fun they were.
I loved it at my grandma's because it gives me a chance to live the great pasts and forget the bad ones.
I'm so grateful for all that she did for us this weekend and I hope she knows that we really love her. :)

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