Sunday, August 16, 2015

Stick-Figure Families--Rodosevich Style

It is truly unfortunate that those stick-figure families on the back of the mini-van aren’t more forthcoming. Sure, it’s possible to ascertain how many family members there are, their genders, and maybe even if said family includes pets. What the stick-figure families don’t tell us is so much more interesting.

For example, the rear windshield of the pride and joy of the Rodosevich family—a slick fire-truck red dodge charger—would display a man, named Tyler, a woman named Savanna(h), and a young boy also named Tyler, but more fondly referred to as “Little Ty.” Sitting beside Little Ty would be a dog called “Char” (short for “Char Char Binks” not “Charlotte”) and an exceedingly energetic cat named Leo.

On a sunny afternoon in Sharon Springs, KS I joined the Rodosevich family in their home, a restful white house sidled against an empty city street, shaded by elm trees. Inside, Savannah was putting finishing touches on her already stunning face. Her full cheeks perked up into a smile as she greeted us.

“This is little Ty,” she said.

Little Ty gave us a timid look and scooted on his wheeled toy behind the couch so he could peer out at his strange new visitors.

“Say hello,” Tyler prompted, smiling down at his son.

Little Ty mumbled something that sounded sort of like hello. Within a couple of minutes, Little Ty was holding my husband’s hand, leading him to the couch, and telling him about his favorite movie (the Croods).

“I’m glad we taught him about stranger danger,” Tyler said sarcastically, sharing a look with Savannah.

Within a couple of minutes, the small family was dressed and ready.

Little Ty was immediately fascinated with the camera and Savannah and Tyler explained to him that I would be taking pictures of them together.

“Strike a pose,” Savannah said.

This is what he came up with:

Little Ty’s first picture was symbolic of how the rest of the photo shoot would go. This young family was full of spirit, and even though Savannah had to brave the sunshine and there were some iffy moments….
Like this time...

Or the time Tyler went digging for gold...

Or the time Little Ty laid down on Tyler's face. (Ah, the joys of parenthood.)

...they survived the photoshoot.

All three of the family members were excited to see the pictures once we were done. Well… Savannah and Tyler were eager to see the pictures. Little Ty was excited to transform himself with a fleshy, rubbery, green monster hand and terrorize the city (house) and its inhabitants. When he tuckered out, he laid up next to his sidekick (Char), took off the monster hand, and enjoyed yet another summer night with his family.

As Little Ty laid against man's best friend and Savannah sat curled up against Tyler, my mind drifted to the stick-figure families. What is a family? Is it limited to blood relations? Marriage? Friendship? Is family the people we choose, the people who choose us, or just some trick of fate? Maybe it’s all three. Whatever it is, the Rodosevich family showed me how beautiful it can be.

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