Monday, January 4, 2016

Update on Tucker #2

Today was a better day. For first time in several days, he got a good night of sleep, and the nurses were able to stay on top of his pain. It's been a constant struggle to find a medication schedule that keeps him from being in excruciating pain.

This afternoon he was joking with us, talking with us like he would pre-injury, and flirting with his CNA. He introduced her to us as the "love of his life." I'm not going to lie, she's a really special girl with a heart of gold.

Flirting highlight of the night?

Tucker: Is your boyfriend bigger than me?
CNA: Yeah. He's about your height, but he's a little bigger.
Tucker: Oh shit.
Tucker: He wouldn't hit an injured guy would he?

People keep telling us to write down some of the stuff he's saying, but honestly, Tucker's pretty funny even when he's not on a myriad of pain medications.

People are talking to my parents about the future for Tucker. He has a long road before him. As far as permanent damage, we probably won't know until we're on the other side of this. But, one concern is that he might lose his eyesight. If everyone could say a prayer for his eyesight to recover, that would be a huge help.

Soon, they expect to transfer him to a rehabilitation center in Denver for traumatic brain injuries. There he'll undergo occupational therapy, physical therapy, and some other therapies I can't remember, for eight hours a day Monday through Friday. Getting well is definitely a full time job.

God's already worked so many miracles with Tucker. Here's to hoping that Tucker will continue healing mentally and physically.