Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Maybe I'll have the title done by the end...

By Ty Stelting

So lately, I have been at a loss for what to talk about so let's talk about something I am great at, procrastination. Something that I picked up from my mother...I am so great at procrastinating that it is hard to believe that I get anything finished. I am currently writing this blog because I do not want to do the things that I need to do.

What is the deal with procrastinating? Why do I purposefully make sure that I do everything at the last second? Well I could look at it in the psychological sense of Organizational BehaviorImage result for punctuated equilibrium model organizational behavior
Where first time group members meet and actually get stuff done is halfway there but...seniors in college have gotten so great at this skill of "waiting until the last second" that this model above is now a complicated and scientific waste of time. 

Now WHY do I do this to myself...???

Maybe it's the fact that we think the pressure is fun and we enjoy getting stuff done just at the right moment. That would be ludicrous...

Let's look back at the model, maybe the more confident we are the closer that transition period where we actually complete stuff gets closer to the completion date. So it's confidence! 

No......If I was so confident, then I wouldn't be stressing all the way to finals week. Worried about my educational career and think that my life is over the second I get a C on a test. 

Why!!! The anger and stress that comes from procrastination should be the reason why we shouldn't wait to do something that we NEED to do tonight...I mean! In the near future. 

I think my final answer can be found somewhere in role conflict.

Do I feel like being a student four three hours...or do I feel like being a great husband by cooking supper, going on a date, and walking the dog. These priorities seem to be the things that come first. Priorities of being a Star Wars, Once Upon a Time, and Last Man on Earth fan come before being a student but only up to a point....

Solution...there is none, if you procrastinate and never fail at finishing something that has dire consequences,  you will always wait until the last possible moment. I guess we'll see if someone creates a magical drug or system that makes you be on time. But until the end the title of this blog post is "Critical Ratios and Student Consistency blah blah...who cares...?" 

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